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Loïc Musy
Thèse, 149 (2024)
Cette thèse explore, à l’aide de la microscopie à force atomique (AFM), le comportement des charges de surface sur les ferroélectriques, et la manière dont l’eau réagit selon l’orientation de la polarisation. En complément des techniques AFM, des développements matériels (contrôleur…
Archive ouverte UNIGESeongwoo Cho, Iaroslav Gaponenko, Kumara Cordero-Edwards, Jordi Barceló-Mercader, Irene Arias, Daeho Kim, Céline Lichtensteiger, Jiwon Yeom, Loïc Musy, Hyunji Kim, Seung Min Han, Gustau Catalan, Patrycja Paruch and Seungbum Hong
Nature communications 15 387 (2024)
Switchable tribological properties of ferroelectrics offer an alternative route to visualize and control ferroelectric domains. Here, we observe the switchable friction and wear behavior of ferroelectrics using a nanoscale scanning probe—down domains have lower friction coefficients and show…
Archive ouverte UNIGERalph Adam Yap Bulanadi
Thèse, 222 (2024)
We here leverage scanning probe microscopy, sensitive to both structural and functional properties of ferroelectric domains, in order to change, measure, and characterise the variety of transitions (and transition-like behaviours in the highly nonlinear dynamics accompanying polarisation reversal…
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger, Chia-Ping Su, Iaroslav Gaponenko, Marios Hadjimichael, Ludovica Tovaglieri, Patrycja Paruch, Alexandre Gloter and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL materials 11 10, 101110 (2023)
We investigate nanoscale domain engineering via epitaxial coupling in a set of SrRuO3/PbTiO3/SrRuO3 heterostructures epitaxially grown on (110)o-oriented DyScO3 substrates. The SrRuO3 layer thickness is kept at 55 unit cells, whereas the PbTiO3 layer is grown to thicknesses of 23, 45, and 90 unit…
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger, Marios Hadjimichael, Edoardo Zatterin, Chia-Ping Su, Iaroslav Gaponenko, Ludovica Tovaglieri, Patrycja Paruch, Alexandre Gloter and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL materials 11 6, 061126 (2023)
We study the complex ferroelastic/ferroelectric domain structure in the prototypical ferroelectric PbTiO3 epitaxially strained on (110)o-oriented DyScO3 substrates, using a combination of atomic force microscopy, laboratory and synchrotron x-ray diffraction, and high resolution scanning…
Archive ouverte UNIGEGuillaume Rapin
Thèse, 113 (2022)
La physique des systèmes élastiques désordonnés permet d’étudier des systèmes très variés, tel que les côtes des îles anglo-saxonnes érodées par le temps, des fissures se propageant dans le granite, les parois de domaine dans les matériaux ferroïcs, et les fronts cellulaires en…
Archive ouverte UNIGEIaroslav Gaponenko, Loïc Musy, Neus Domingo, Nicolas Stucki, Albert Verdaguer, Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb and Patrycja Paruch
npj computational materials 7 1, 163 (2021)
Electrochemical phenomena in ferroelectrics are of particular interest for catalysis and sensing applications, with recent studies highlighting the combined role of the ferroelectric polarisation, applied surface voltage and overall switching history. Here, we present a systematic Kelvin probe…
Archive ouverte UNIGEGuillaume Rapin, Nirvana Belen Caballero, Iaroslav Gaponenko, Benedikt Ziegler, Audrey Rawleigh, Ermanno Moriggi, Thierry Giamarchi, Steven A. Brown and Patrycja Paruch
Scientific reports 11 1, 8869 (2021)
Juxtacellular interactions play an essential but still not fully understood role in both normal tissue development and tumour invasion. Using proliferating cell fronts as a model system, we explore the effects of cell–cell interactions on the geometry and dynamics of these one-dimensional…
Archive ouverte UNIGEGuillaume Rapin, Sophia Ehrensperger, Cédric Blaser, Nirvana Belen Caballero and Patrycja Paruch
Applied Physics Letters 119, 242903 (2021)
Understanding and controlling the motion, stability, and equilibrium configuration of ferroelectric domain walls is key for their integration into potential nanoelectronic applications, such as ferroelectric racetrack memories. Using piezoresponse force microscopy, we analyze the growth and…
Archive ouverte UNIGELoïc Musy, Ralph Adam Yap Bulanadi, Iaroslav Gaponenko and Patrycja Paruch
Ultramicroscopy 228 113345 (2021)
Research in materials science increasingly depends on the correlation of information from multiple characterisation techniques, acquired in ever larger datasets. Efficient methods of processing and storing these complexdatasets are therefore crucial. Reliably keeping track of data processing is…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPhilippe Tueckmantel, Iaroslav Gaponenko, Nirvana Belen Caballero, Joshua C. Agar, Lane W. Martin, Thierry Giamarchi and Patrycja Paruch
Physical Review Letters 126 117606 (2021)
Ferroelectric materials provide a useful model system to explore the jerky, highly nonlinear dynamics of elastic interfaces in disordered media. The distribution of nanoscale switching event sizes is studied in two Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 thin films with different disorder landscapes using piezoresponse…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMaster thesis
- Musy L. Morphology and nanomechanical properties of snake scale microstructures. 2019
- Gaponenko I. Conduction at domain walls in insulating Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3. 2012
- Blaser C. Interactions entre les nanotubes de carbone et les couches minces ferroélectriques. 2009
- Guyonnet J. Studies of magnetoelectric coupling in BiFeO3-CoFe2O4 nanocomposites. 2008